Course Name
FRMCS Fundamentals
Course Description
<p>The FRMCS fundamentals will provide a fundamental understanding of Telecoms<br />
Future Railway Mobile Communication System, the training will deliver a high-level overview of the technologies used in a digital railway. Voice communications, ETCS, ATO, CDAS, and TM will all be integrated into the digital railway. </p>
<p>The training will define the place of 5G and FRMCS as well as the consideration that should also be given to how FRMCS can coexist with GSM-R initially, as well as the migration options available to railways.</p>
120 minutes Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Fundamental understanding of FRMCS
Competence Awarded:
TEL 520
Course Code:
Prerequisite Name:
Prerequisite Short Code:
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book