Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Network Rail Training: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Part one: Network Rail Training’s response to COVID-19
Part two: Attending training - queries and guidance
Part three: System / technology questions

Part one: Network Rail Training’s response to COVID-19

Are you still delivering training?
Yes. Where possible, we are working hard to adapt our training for delivery partly or entirely online; however, some critical competencies require training that can only be delivered face-to-face. Should you be asked to attend face-to-face training, please rest assured that we have put COVID control measures in place to keep you safe. For more information, view our short video.

We recognise that frontline teams operate around the clock so we’ve created a dedicated page to explain our response to COVID-19, which you can view here.

Has any training been cancelled?

The devolved nature of our business means that each region, route and function owns their own local training plan. In the event of a region, route or function changing what training they want their colleagues to receive, delegates will be contacted directly.

Part two: Attending training - queries and guidance

I’m due to attend a training centre; what steps have been taken to keep me safe?
Training is planned and agreed with each region / route / function. Working closely with central function and route leadership teams, we have implemented several measures at our training centres to safeguard colleagues and ensure we can continue to deliver training. Watch the video here or see the list below:

  • Training centres will no longer be able to host team meetings or facilitate ‘hot desking’
  • Only scheduled training is to go ahead on the premises
  • Colleagues are asked to bring their lanyards – we will not be issuing lanyards so your normal lanyard will act as photographic ID
  • To reduce numbers in reception, there’s no requirement to sign in when you first arrive. Please report directly to your classroom where you can sign in and present your work lanyard as ID
  • No food will be served in break out areas. Lunches will be served in classrooms only and are pre-sealed (no buffet options will be available)
  • Hand sanitisers have been placed in various locations and we ask that colleagues follow Public Health England guidance regarding hand hygiene
  • We’ve increased cleaning in high traffic areas – e.g. door handles, bathrooms and tea/coffee stations
  • We're adapting our training in line with the latest Government social distancing guidance for face-to-face training.
  • A copy of the latest Work Activity Risk Assessment (WARA) form entitled 'Delivering Training During COVID-19 Pandemic' can be found on the Corporate Safety Workforce hub site here.

    Please note:

  • We're continuing to create and adapt as much online content as possible to enable some forms of training to continue without the need for travel or overnight stays
  • In the event of our routes deciding to change the training we deliver, we will update this page. Delegates and line managers will be contacted directly if their training is changed.

  • I’m due to attend a training course but there is a problem with my hotel. What should I do?
    Network Rail's travel booking portal is called Iris - a new travel management platform from Capita Travel and Events. All travel products including; air, rail, hotel, venue find and taxis bookings can be made here. If you experience an issue with your hotel, please contact the Capita Travel team: User guide, E: , T: 03303 900 011

    I’m self-isolating and will be unable to attend training – what should I do?
    Your safety and wellbeing is paramount. If you need to self-isolate, please make sure your line manager is aware, but do not come into the office/depot/work site. Follow the steps below to cancel your training.
    Route colleagues: Please continue to follow local process to cancel and ensure your line manager is aware.
    Function colleagues: Please make sure your line manager is aware and provide full course details (including course title, course date, venue, learner’s name) and the reason for the cancellation e.g. self-isolation, operational pressure (etc.) when you email

    Part three: System / technology questions

    I have an issue with my Sentinel card – who do I contact?
    All Sentinel systems are still operating – please contact the 24/7 helpdesk if you need support: T: 0330 7262 222 / E:
    General information:

    I do not have access to Remote Connect, can I still undertake eLearning?
    Our 160+ eLearning courses are available on our eLearning platform. If working remotely, you do not need access to Remote Connect or Zscaler; all you need is a reliable internet connection. Please log in as you would normally. To find out more, visit the eLearning platform and click 'Help' at the top of the homepage after you've logged in. If you experience any other issues, please click here to log a query.

    How do I contact someone about an issue concerning Toolkit or Question Tools?
    Training Toolkit and Question Tools are still operating. If you experience issues, please submit feedback via Toolkit as you usually would.

    Page Updated:

    19 October 2020